I don’t talk explicitly about my day job here for reasons of not wanting to get fired. But one thing has struck me over the years. The product I am working with and the work I am doing with it is not glamorous. It is boring. It is the IT equivalent of plumbing. You’ll only notice it if it goes wrong. It is not sexy. I do not have the great and the good beating down my door to discuss it.
When I was younger, I always wanted to work on the stuff that I thought was interesting and cool. I now realize that this was stupid. The problem with sexy stuff - e.g. Generative AI - is that everyone wants to do it. There is a lot of competition to do this work. Which means that many people won’t get paid much to do it (although a few will make a lot of money).
However people still need the plumbing done. And they will pay good money for someone else to worry about the plumbing and fix it so they don’t have to. There are Jobs To be Done. So if you can do this work cost effectively and well, you will have a steady income stream coming in.
It may be the case that sex sells but for many lines of business, boring buys (cash money).
So if you want a steady income to fuel your lifestyle, then find something boring but necessary and get good enough at it that people will pay you for it.
Definitely not me